Zero Waste Challenge
AjM Disposal is proud to support the Zero Waste Challenge in Metro Vancouver.
Zero Waste Challenge
From website
The Zero Waste Challenge is about reducing our waste. All of us make decisions everyday that impact how much garbage we send to the landfill.
Today, thanks to recycling and reusing, more than half (55%) of the 3.6 million tonnes of waste we create every year is kept out of the garbage.
- As more people move into this region, more garbage is created.
- Recycling rates have been improving steadily since the 1990s, however overall waste generation is also increasing.
- Residents are producing more garbage than they used to.
- 9% of the garbage is plastic 13% of the garbage is food waste.
- About 30% of our garbage goes to a waste-to-energy facility. The rest to landfill.